Josep Domenech Delsors
Founder of the firm, specializing in Commercial and Labor Law, his extensive experience establishes him as an excellent professional in comprehensive business consulting.
His expertise positions him as a benchmark in corporate crisis situations and restructurings.
He is a member of various boards of directors, where he actively contributes his technical legal knowledge as a tool to serve his clients.
As a commercial law expert, he has participated in insolvency proceedings and the purchase and sale of production units. His experience, combined with his expertise in commercial and labor law, enables him to work with just-in-time criteria.
He holds a Master’s degree from Pompeu Fabra University in corporate restructuring during crises: prevention, restructuring, and insolvency proceedings. He collaborates with various organizations and delivers lectures in this field.
Contact: dom@domenech-advocats.com

Antoni Llobet Vilaró
Lawyer at Domenech Delsors Advocats since 1999.
Specialized in Procedural Law and Litigation, with specific training in Labor and Family Law.
He provides services to both companies and individuals, serving on the Board of Directors of various companies in the industrial sector.
As a Family Lawyer, he advises and defends his clients’ contentious interests in all types of family proceedings, including divorces, separations, modifications of measures, claims for non-compliance, and others.
He has extensive experience before the Courts of Justice.
Contact: allobet@domenech-advocats.com

Alexandre Pons Abella
Joined Domenech Delsors Advocats in 2019.
Graduated in Law from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in 2013, with additional training at the University of Paris, he has worked as a lawyer in various firms specializing in civil, commercial, and procedural law.
He holds a Master’s degree in Law from UPF and a Postgraduate degree in Diplomatic and Consular Law from the Barcelona Bar Association, as well as having completed specialized courses in Real Estate Law and Urban Leases.
Since 2022, he has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Young Lawyers Group of Barcelona, representing and defending the interests of more than 6,000 young lawyers. He has contributed to several legal publications and delivers lectures at the Barcelona Bar Association.
Contact: apons@domenech-advocats.com

Teresa Suñer Freixas
Joined Domenech Delsors Advocats in 1999.
Her professional career has always been closely tied to the field of civil liability.
Her experience as a Junior Lawyer at Balaguer Oliveros, an external partner firm for various insurance companies, and her role as Claims Manager at Pelayo Insurance establish her as a specialist in this area.
She holds a Master’s degree in Business Law from San Pablo – Abad Oliva CEU University.
Contact: tsuner@domenech-advocats.com

Albert Castañer Bohigas
Joined Domenech Delsors Advocats in 2018.
Since graduating in Labor Relations from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), he has developed his professional career in various human resources departments of medium and large companies as a human resources and social security manager. His role includes managing the entire payroll process from start to finish and providing advice on recruitment, application of collective agreements, and personnel management.
He holds a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management in Organizations from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).
He is a member of the Board of the Ilustre Colegio de Graduados Sociales of Barcelona, Girona and Lleida as a board member.
Contact: acastaner@domenech-advocats.com

Yolanda Moreno Manzano
Joined Domenech Delsors Advocats in 1995.
Since joining the firm, she has carried out Human Resources Outsourcing functions. She is currently responsible for recruitment and labor management for our clients.
She has specialized training in the field and collaborates with various Workplace Mutual Insurance companies. She has also served as an external Human Resources Manager for several companies.
She holds a degree in Business Administration.
Contact: ymoreno@domenech-advocats.com

Alex García Villar
Joined Domenech Delsors Advocats as a lawyer in 2024.
Graduated in Law from Universitat Abat Oliba CEU and holds a Master’s degree in Legal Practice from ISDE, with a special mention in civil litigation.
He has worked in various renowned law firms at the national level. With solid training and experience in Civil and Commercial Law, he provides comprehensive legal advice that combines the strengths of both areas.
His deep understanding of the regulatory framework and the specific challenges faced by both individuals and businesses allows him to safeguard clients’ rights while offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each case.
Contact: agarcia@domenech-advocats.com
About Us
Domenech Delsors Advocats is a personalised law firm focused on SMEs and individuals, located in the centre of Barcelona since 1991.
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c/ Balmes 173, 3º 2ª
08006 Barcelona (Spain)
T. (+34) 93 209 80 90
F. (+34) 93 414 23 24