(+34) 93 209 80 90 dom@domenech-advocats.com

Domenech Delsors Advocats

Since 1991, committed to our clients.

Domenech Delsors Advocats

Domenech Delsors Advocats has a dedicated multidisciplinary team committed to ongoing training to achieve our clients’ goals.  

Our training and experience are the tools we offer to help our clients reach their objectives. We view legal practice as a perfect balance between common sense and expertise, placing great emphasis on personal and close interactions with our clients to establish a relationship of complete mutual trust.

Our training and experience are the tools we provide to our clients to help them achieve their goals.

We offer comprehensive, high-level advice for businesses and individuals, thanks to an in-depth understanding of our clients’ business environment, a top-tier team, and a clear commitment to implementing new technologies in the daily management of our work, optimizing resources to benefit our clients.

We operate nationwide and collaborate with other law firms in major European capitals. We bring over 30 years of professional experience to the table.

Corporate and Commercial Law domenech delsors advocats

As specialists in this field, we advise our clients on all aspects of their business journey, from its formation to its dissolution.

Corporate Bankruptcy. Insolvencies domenech delsors advocats

Domenech Delsors Advocats has extensive experience in advising companies in pre-insolvency and insolvency proceedings.

Civil law domenech delsors advocats

We have extensive experience in defending our clients’ interests against third parties liable for their actions.

Family and Succesion Law domenech delsors advocats

Acting to safeguard our client’s interests to the fullest extent, ensuring that any conflict is resolved in the least disruptive way possible.

Labor Law domenech delsors advocats

We can intervene in any conflict arising within the scope of employer-employee relationships, regardless of the direction.

Outsourcing of Human Resources domenech delsors advocats

Our department aims to replace the company’s Human Resources management through outsourcing.


We view legal practice as a perfect blend of common sense and expertise. We place great importance on maintaining a personal and close relationship with our clients to establish a foundation of mutual trust and confidence.


About Us

Domenech Delsors Advocats is a personalised law firm focused on SMEs and individuals, located in the centre of Barcelona since 1991.


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Contact Us

c/ Balmes 173, 3º 2ª

08006 Barcelona (Spain)

T. (+34) 93 209 80 90

F. (+34) 93 414 23 24
